Sunday, 10 February 2013

Correct Diagnosis of Diabetes

Dr Wang indicates that it is not comprehensive for western medicine only takes the increase of blood sugar and  urine sugar as the basis of diabetes, instead, the ability of stomach to  absorb and transport sugar, the ability of liver and gall bladder compound and  convert sugar, and the ability of heart, lungs and kidney adjust and utilize  sugar, those three kinds of abilities are normal or not should be regarded as  the basis of diabetes diagnosis. If the three functions are good, we can’t  say people get diabetes even though the blood sugar and urine sugar level are higher than normal. Otherwise, if those three kinds of functions in bad conditions, it might also be confirmed as diabetes though the blood  sugar and urine sugar level are normal.

Diabetes patients take chemicals, the blood sugar and urine sugar level are normal, but they are still in diabetes status, finally they die of complications of diabetes from lack of glucose by chemicals side effects. Western  Medicine only sees high blood sugar is harmful for body, but not  sees normal blood sugar level of diabetes patients means they are in  shortage of glucose absolutely, hypoglycemia is more terrible than hyperglycemia.

                                        Read for more information:

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Use GlucoNature to treat diabetes

GlucoNature -100% Herbal Formula
Now a new approach to assisting those afflicted with Diabetes, with an effective supplement based on Chinese Traditional Medicine.
GlucoNature is supportive of Yin & Yang, the key balance in TCM to allow the body to heal! Ethical Western medicines, rely on the approach of only controlling blood sugar levels.

GlucoNature does the opposite, it allows the body to control blood sugar levels itself, by equalising the Yin & Yang balance in the body.

This method has been used sucessfully in TCM in China for   thousands of years!
GlucoNature Clinical Testing
Clinical testing has established scientific proof that the key herbal components in Gluconature may help to increase substantially blood micro-circulation in the bodies extremities! By increasing micro-circulation with a naturally based formula many complications associated with poor circulation in Diabetics can be reduced. By improving micro-circulation, extreme infection risk is lowered!
                                          Click here for more information: