
Two Classic Types Of Diabetes Patients

I have received three diabetic patients recently. All of these three patients are relatives to one of my friends. He works as a registration agent with us.The patients are his mother,his uncle and his father in law.

His mother is 56 years old and has been living with diabetes for the past 2 years.Half a month ago, I sent her a 2 months supply of GlucoNature. My friend called to tell me that GlucoNature is really helping and his mother feels much better as most of her diabetes symptoms have disappeared.

.His uncle and his father in law also have diabetes. One day, he invited them to my office for a consultation.

His uncle is 54 years old and is currently working in a personnel bureau.He has been living with diabetes for the past 10 years and has struggled to control his diabetes. He failed to follow the recommended diet because it was impossible for him to incorporate it in his lifestyle and the demands of the job of a civil servant. He ignored the doctor's advice on taking his medication strictly on time. Once in a while, he would take it, but in most cases he would just forget about it.

His present body condition is alright,considering his desease. He suffers from a little higher blood sugar level but he has the energy to work, to live and be active. After conducting an overall check, I told him that he has an early stage of diabetes though he has been diagnosed with the desease more than 10 years ago. In fact I even advised him agains taking GlucoNature. Instead, I recommended him a certain kind of tea product which would help him control the diabetes for the rest of his life.

My friend's father in law, on the other hand, is currently 60 years old and is retired. He has had diabetes for the past 10 years as well. During these years, he followed the doctor's advice strictly - he never touched foods and drinks with sugar, took melbine etc. He was also taking injection of insulin to support his life. The medications would often make him very weak, his face would be pale and sometimes he would even be struggling to walk by himself. For instance, when he came into my office, he was being helped by his daughter in law. I advised him to only use two months treatment of GlucoNature. After the two months period, we could then offer him an individual treatment base on an comprehensive plan. In fact, to treat him was very difficult indeed.

There is a very big difference between the cases described above,especially the ones who followed the doctor's advise and the other one who never followed strictly the prescribed treatment. It tells us that Glucose is a priority importance for most diabetic people and yet it only controls blood sugar level without providing solution for the rest of the body's functions which defeats the purpose in a way.

GlucoNature has complete service system, including Qingdao HESHOUTANG International TCM Treatment Center for individual treatment plan by TCM way, HESHOUTANG BBS where customers can submit questions to get help during taking GlucoNature!

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